Wednesday 4 June 2008

My Carbon Footprint

Many people around the world are using energy and technology to live easier life. However, these kinds of resources are harming our planet and causing global warming. Each one of us has a carbon footprint which measures how much planets he would need if he continues living with the same lifestyle. I took the quiz and I discovered that I need 2.65 planets which mean that I’m using many things that have harm effects on our planet.

There are many problems but I think the main problem is driving my own car instead of using public transportation. Another problem is that sometimes I don’t support locally produced meat which releases more CO2 tones as a result of importing it from overseas. A further problem is that I travel a lot by plane and air travel has the fastest growing CO2 emission. Another problem is that I keep the lights on when I go out of my room.

The main solution is to use public transportation and transfer by bicycle to reduce my carbon footprint. Another solution is to support locally produced meat, fruits and vegetables instead of importing them. A further solution is to reduce the number of travelling hours during the year. Another solution is to switch off the lights if I don’t need lighting or if I’m not in my room.

In general, I think that our planet damaged because of our impact on the environment and the way we use the planet’s resources. I believe that energy and technology make our lives easier but we have to use alternative resources and change out lifestyles to save our planet.

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