Thursday 5 June 2008

The last post

In the article “we’ll save the planet only if we’re forced to” the author says that it’s not enough for anyone to reduce the number of traveling hours or using public transportation and bicycles instead of cars or eating less meat or changing your regular light bulb to the florescent light bulb because some people wont do these things that’s why government should force people to change their living and behavior to become greener. Also he mentioned that people should donate to organizations like Green space, Friends of the earth, Plane stupid and Campaign Against Climate Change instead of buying green house products because you will help to change the law.

In my opinion, I totally agree with the author. Governments should set rules against those who harm our planet because some people don’t care about global warming and what is the point of buying green products while others are not. People around the world should co-operate with each other to reduce our carbon emission and to keep our planet clean for our generations.

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