Monday 10 March 2008

My profile

My name is Jaber AlMubarak. I was born 19 years ago in Al Cornish hospital which is in Abu Dhabi. My father was in Europe because he had a meeting there and as soon as he finished his work there he came to see me. My father wanted to name me Ahmed but my uncle Yousif chose Jaber to be my name. I didn’t see my grand parents because they died 2 years before I was born. I have two brothers and 3 sisters and I’m the youngest of my brothers. My family was living in a villa in Al Bateen. I grew up there with my cousins then we moved to live in Al Mushref. I went to a school called Al Ghazaly I studied there 7 years then I continued studying in Jordan because my father was working in the United Arab Emirates Embassy there.

I lived my life as a teenager away from my cousins and my relatives and that’s why mine is different from them. I spent about one year making new friends and it took a lot from me to find good ones. When I was a teenager I really liked pets. I used to have a small cat and a parrot. I trained them well but one day I forgot to close the window of the living room and I woke up the next day and I found out that the parrot flew away. I looked for it everywhere but I didn’t find it. Living in Jordan was a good experience for me because I made lots of friends there and I lived in a different environment which may help me in the future.

I have traveled to Paris, London, Geneva, Washington DC, New York and Lebanon. My favorite trip was when I went to London and that was the last summer. I went there with my cousin and we stayed in my uncle’s apartment. In the first week we visited many wonderful places like the wax museum, natural museum, London eye, London Bridge and Big Ben. In the second week we went to watch football matches. Some times I fought with my cousin because he likes Liver Pool and I like Manchester United. We spent our last two weeks eating in luxury restaurants in Harrods and Nights- Bridge.

In my free time I love to play football but sometimes there aren’t enough players so I’m forced to go to the gym to spend my free time. If I had the chance I would really love to go to Ski Dubai. I usually go to the cinema on weekends with my friends. I saw lots of movies but the one I like the most is Ocean’s 13. In summer, I like going jet skiing with my friends each one of us has one. We usually race when we go jet skiing but mine is most powerful between them.

Two years ago before I graduated from high school, I had a big dream of studying for my higher diploma abroad. My target was developing myself and my understanding to other cultures to help my country in the future. I set it as a target to be realized. I used to be a good student who solved his homework and prepared for the classes. I worked hard during the last year of my high school to get high grades. Nevertheless, during the preparation of final exams, my cousin’s death prevented me from studying for the exams. He died in a car accident while he was driving back home from Al Ain. I studied only the day before the exam which was too difficult for me to memorize all the materials that we covered during the year. So, I got very low percentage and that’s why my father didn’t let me travel. I tried to explain the reason but he said I’ll let you go if you got a high GPA in the college.

At the current time I have finished the first semester of the common year in ADMC. I’m planning to study Finance and Accounting and as soon as I graduate I’ll travel to get a bachelor and a master degree in the same major. I chose this major because I’m good in Maths and that will help me to get high grades. There are only few locals who work in the Finance department and this major is required. If I had the chance I will take the CFA to be more qualified to fit in a good job.

1 comment:

Frankie Sutton said...

a very interesting profile. Well done