Sunday 2 March 2008


Search is the number one activity for people who use internet. That’s why Mozilla has created a new internet browser called Firefox3. It has many features that may help any user to search for something.

The most important feature is that Firefox3 browser allows you to work offline so you don’t lose your work while traveling or when the connection goes down. The chairman of Mozilla said that it’s easier to look for information using Firefox3. Also he said that when you want to search for something you can write for example “ sunglasses “ it will bring a list of sites that you have visited recently that have sunglasses name. There are changes have been made to improve overall performance. It’s simple and familiar and that what makes it the second most popular.

My opinion:

I think this article is interesting, well organized and easy to read. But the author didn’t talk about the internet filter and if it has protection against viruses.

1 comment:

Knight_Rider87 said...

what an intersting subject

i use it to open the blog

ROCK ON!!!!!